Monday, May 31, 2010

Birthdays and golfing with your son...

Not me of course, some alcoholic and his son with a friend, I happened upon them today in a early morning round, since its so damn hot right now by noon.

Just a short blurb I heard the son tell his Dad on the 18th hole that I will never forget. It was the perfect ending to a shitty round with these bozo's that shot over 130, and that was with cheating by only counting the ball they could find off the tee, if that happened to be the 3rd or 4th or whatever.

I was at the point on the 16th hole, just get me out of here, I cannot get out of here fast enough.

But on the 18th hole, sonny boy of Daddy drunk, came out with the best line I heard all day.

"Gee Dad, Happy Birthday, I can't wait to count up your score, you played like shit."

I laughed all the way to the car.

0 The morally insane respond: