Monday, August 2, 2010

My son made a funny today

Nice day today here in Middleville. Took the son out and played golf and started to teach what it takes to be a caddy for his old man. Being such a nice guy that I am, I gave him a couple of Powerades and $10 to go and splurge on IPod apps.

Yep, an IPod. That's where 13 year old money goes today. I must be the last dumbass on the planet that didn't see this coming. Apple taking all my kids money to buy apps that do the same thing that your brain does when it's working. Why didn't I buy this stock for the kids instead of a 529? I am a stupid, stupid, man.

But he come's up with one good one on the ol'Middler today.

The smaller child was having a hard time with loading a diaper, if you get my drift, and he came up with one that had me rolling.

"Hey baby, you having a hard time pooping? Need some soothing music or lights to help get you through the time your having right now? We have an app for that."

1 The morally insane respond:

Justin said...

Very amusing blog.