I have to admit it, I have been lucky. Lucky, so far, as to have 2 mostly normal kids, a 25 year great marriage and a life that ain't that bad. It could always be worse, sure. That's what your taught to tell yourself anyway. You could always be like the family down the block that drives a Hyundai and looks like they shop at Goodwill on there best days. You use those folks to make your kids feel guilty when they leave most of the dinner you made on the plate telling you it sucks and they don't like it.
But why do I say today that I am lucky? I heard that Oprah person is ending her show. Yes, I said Oprah person because I don't know her other name really either. I have been one of the lucky bastards in this life that has gone an entire life and missed every episode that Oprah chick ever had on.
Oh I am aware of her. I see her thin, fat, thin, fatter, thin, fattest on the cover of those rags in the newstands. I know she is "somebody". But to me, eh, she ain't all that. She seems to do some sort of blah blah womans show. I think she ripped off Regis and Kathy Lee for some reason.
I have somehow managed to go 20 or 30 years and not seeing this show once. Of course I have seen the clips, the jumping Tom Cruise thing years back.
Oh I do recall some bald dude on there pitching snake oil for your brain. I don't know what happened to that bald guy. He was a weird fellow. He was in some trial for something to do with her.
But in anycase, I count myself one of the few, the proud, the No Oprah on my TV guy.
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