Thursday, January 27, 2011

You can't sing, just stop already.

My question of the day.

Why and who started the singing of Happy Birthday with all the loud clapping and stomping going around you at a restaurant? Was this some form of employee moral building exercise run amok?
Or was it a gag that someone started and now the whole damn world thinks this is cool to do to humiliate the family member that was stupid enough to choose this restaurant for a birthday dinner?

Why would anyone want a group of strangers, pimple faced teens, old fat ass ladies with bleach blonde hair, to sing Happy Birthday to them?

Is this where they got the idea for that "Glee" show?

Have a bunch of high school wannabee's singing silly and badly in front of a couple hundred people and this makes you happy?

This has past its prime about 10 years ago. Please stop it. I can't stand the bad singing and the YAHOO!! at the end everytime.

I think if you have to come up with a ritual for Happy Birthday, make it a lap dance or back massage. Take your pick, both would make for a happier day overall. Or get lucky and get both and have a happy ending as well. Works for me. I think I start that one this year.

Wait until this takes over, you will all thank me forever for thinking up and instituting this ritual event.

0 The morally insane respond: