Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Music died and I went to hell?

A rambling rant here. I keep seeing on CNN over and over.

Hannah Montana tickets. Going for more than RUSH, the Police, or even crappy reinvented Van Halen tickets, to the mindless little girls and boys that push and scream at the parents to buy them.

How screwed up do you have to be to pay $300+ to buy a ticket to a Disney made up attraction? The little girl is only 14 and her Daddy was Achy, Breaky, please go away after I fart, mullet head boy. I am truly perplexed at the dolts and dumbasses of the world that will pay to see the offspring of that loser. She has the same genes, she has to suck and make me want to puke as much as he did.

I guess music has truly died and I guess I need to listen to Arabian sing alongs to get it. They do nothing but mumble in some odd, strange babbling, and that's a hit record for them. I guess we will buy into any white girl that has a WASP background to shake the grip of RAP.

Speaking of RAP, I am flipping through the channels on the Digital music, trying to find my Glam Hair rock
bands, and I happen upon the C-RAP music channel. Now whats bad here is my son is sitting there doing his homework, when I pause to hear this crap. Of course the first thing you get to hear on this is, "Yo bitch, put this in your ass."

And they call this music or poetic stylings of the underpriviledged youth of the ghetto? I call it absolute crap. Hence my Rap Crap mantra for that type of music. I listen to Chris Rock and enjoy his sense of humor and was shocked when he even says he can't defend this garbage anymore. "Love the rap, tired of defending it." Or so he said about 20 times, filling time on the stage of course. It's not Rap, its sex talk and foul mouth shit from a stupid ass with an IQ of about 70. Rhyme a few words in it somewhere and that makes it Rap?

Which brings me back to Hannah, the mullet head, Montana. Are we that desperate to get our kids away from rap to push this crap down their throats and determine this is good, clean, music? I want to puke even more. Gimme Billy Ray and bring back my mullet head friends? Shit, where is my gun, I have to end this nightmare....

1 The morally insane respond:

baleil42 said...

i don't know what you heard on the radio but it was not rap. they don't play real rap on the radio! they haven't for quite some time now. there really is a poetic styling of the underprivileged youth but you will not hear it on the radio, if you want to hear some real rap look up tribe called quest or typical cats or souls of mischief. i'm just saying don't judge rap by that retarded stuff you hear on the radio that crap music is made for mindless idiots to dance to and quote. no one wants to hear the thought and poetry cause you cant quote it, it takes a few times listening to it just to grasp the meaning of it. real rappers have college degrees.