Saturday, December 1, 2007

The most Hated Blonde in the World, atleast mine.

I was unfortunate to read about a truly ignorant and otherwise useless broad this week, again, since she can't seem to go away. Like so many that are truly awful people, she takes the prize for getting under my skin one too many times this week, or this year, or for that matter, many years now. I'm all for free speech, but silence is golden when she shuts up.

You know her from her books.

You know her from her comments about anyone and everyone that thinks different.

You know her from her Adams apple that lead many to believe she was a man.

She is the most awful hatemonger and political idiot that ever was published by idiotic book publishers.

She is on the list for most likely to get a date rape drug in her drink, then forgotten about and left at the bar.

She is the She Devil of the South.

She is a chicken shit that calls the police when someone tells her what she tells everyone else.

Her and Rush Limbaugh probably share the same drug dealer.

You know her, you loath her, and you probably would like to bitch slap her.

Its the Olberman Worst Person in the World, I give you -

Can you tell she pissed me off? A Merry Xmas for me would be someone taking this "thing" out and leaving her in a swamp, where the alligators probably would not like to eat her since she tastes like chicken?

4 The morally insane respond:

Mighty Dyckerson said...

Not bad looking. Is she single??

The Middle Lifer said...

Are you kiddin me? Most trannys are single aren't they?

marky said...

Any coulter hater is a friend of mine. Amen brother.

The Middle Lifer said...

Marky - Glad to see that others feel the same way, if we can only get Dyck to stop thinking of him that way!