Yes gang, the tax man cometh, or more like taketh. Its that time of year that we get to scramble to make up all those little receipts to try and prove, if audited, that we spent money on crap that we think are tax deductible.
Being as I am a sole proprietor, I get to fear the taxman more than most. I have to wonder if they will decide to tell me someday that my mileage is a farce, that my office space allotment is bullshit, and that my use of my computer for non business use, was a scam on the IRS.

These are the things that I get to worry about every year. But I have no fear, because TurboTax is here. Yes, Turbotax, the little program that gives me the "nod" to try and cheat and let me know if the IRS is going to red flag my middlelifer ass. What a great tool. It calculates my taxes then runs me through the scenario of "what the bastards will take you down for" deal. This makes me very anxious because as honest as I am, this little part of that program is the only one that matters to me.

I decided there needed to be more tax deductions for truly worthy expenses that the government has deemed not worthy.
My List is as follows:

Mexican Restaurant dining - Since I help the immigrants, I think it should be a charitable contribution.
Trash disposal fees - I could leave it, but I don't. For being a nice neighbor, I should be rewarded.

Female Breast Enlargements - Self explanatory. It makes all men happy.

1 The morally insane respond:
That reminds me...I need to pick up some milk at the store tomorrow.
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