Friday, January 2, 2009

Palin = $300,000 - Middlelifer = $0?

Now I have a reason to rant against the machine. A dumb, dropout, fat bitch pops out a kid and gets $300k for it? I have seen the end of the world coming for sure.

My baby is worth more than that, but do I peddle her ass to the news media for money? No, I keep it private and in my house, where that shit belongs. This dumb douchebag bitch mommy goes out and puts out statements about how her ho'bag daughter is working hard on parenting. Give me a fuckin break, that biatch ain't never heard the word parenting until it was spelled out in Lamaze class. If she even had Levi attend that shit. Unbelievable country that wants to pay to see an illegitimate Alaskan malamute.

And folks wonder why the ditz mommy lost the election for McSame?

2 The morally insane respond:

Mighty Dyckerson said...

I sold my first born son to a Mexican sweat shop for a bottle of tequila and three cigars.

Booya said...

Dyck is lucky, the going rate for a rug rat now is 1 cigar and a ticket to the dokey show